Aside from the multitude of health benefits climbing offers, Camp5 members enjoy a host of privileges. We encourage you to share your passion and get the most out of your membership.

You'll find no sign-up charges here. Join anytime, it's 100% FREE.
First, let us define who is a Camp5 Member – Anyone who has registered via and made a visit to an outlet, is a Camp5 Member.
Being a member on its own does not automatically imply you can enter a Camp5 outlet. In order to gain access you will need to either:
- Satisfy the minimum prerequisite skills and be 13 years of age or older
- Check-in as a “Guest” of a current member who is aged 18 or older
On your very first visit you will be asked about your current skill level and receive a short orientation to ensure you are familiar with the conditions of entry, which may differ from climbing gyms you have previously visited.
Depending on your current experience, you may be given a:
- Yellow card – Novice/Guest (given only on 2nd visit)
- White card – ABC Climber (Camp5 Paradigm only)
- Pink card – Boulder-only
- Blue card – Top-rope climber
- Green card – Lead climber
- Red card – Pro climber (permitted to climb the 20m ProWall @ Camp5 1Utama)
You are responsible to ensure your skills are current. Every 12 months you will be required to revalidate your Member profile. Kindly inform Camp5 of any change in your competency.
A Novice level climber is defined as any registered member who currently does not meet the minimum skill and experience required to be granted unsupervised independent access to Camp5.
A Novice level climber you may only enter Camp5 as a Guest of an Adult Member who has been granted independent access, or as a participant in a program.
A Novice climber can upgrade to enjoy independent access by:
- Participating in the Basic Bouldering or Basic Wall Course at Camp5 or comparable level of training at another climbing center, or.
- Complete the competency from to upgrade to Boulder-only Member on your 2nd visit.
- Complete the competency form to upgrade to Top rope Member on your 5th visit.
The following defines the minimum skill and experience required for anyone seeking to have independent access to Camp5 for bouldering-only.
- Age 13 years or older.
- Have attended the Basic Bouldering Course at Camp5 or comparable level of training at another climbing center and/or
- Can attest to having knowledge and proficiency in skills relevant to bouldering safety including but not limited to; falling, spotting, wall, holds and crashmat hazard awareness.
As a Boulder-Only member at Camp you do not have to be limited to climbing on boulders. A 30min Orientation Autobelay Training is all that’s needed to upgrade your skills to be eligible to climb on the Autobelay’s.
The following defines the minimum skill and experience required for anyone seeking to have independent access to Camp5 for top rope climbing & bouldering.
Additional to the Boulder-only prerequisites.
- Have attended the Basic Wall Course at Camp5 or comparable level of training at another climbing center and/or
- Can attest to having knowledge and proficiency in skills relevant to top-rope safety including but not limited to; proper fitting of harness, setup and safe belay practice, able to tie-in as climber, buddy checks, commands and general safety considerations for indoor climbing.
The following defines the minimum skill and experience required for anyone seeking to have independent access to Camp5 for lead climbing.
Additional to the Top-rope Climber prerequisites.
- Have attended the Lead Wall Course at Camp5 or comparable level of training at another climbing center and/or
- Can attest to having knowledge and proficiency in skills relevant to lead climber safety including but not limited to; rope management, clipping method to avoid back-clip or z-clip quickdraw, considerations for falling, safe lead belay practice and general safety considerations for indoor lead climbing.
The Pro Wall at Camp5 1Utama stands 20.3m tall with total overhang exceeding 10m. To celebrate the climbers who have reached a level that they can take on this beast, we created the Pro Wall Level. The following defines the minimum skill and experience required for anyone seeking to have access to climb the Pro Wall.
Additional to the Lead Climber prerequisites.
- Can lead climb a minimum grade level of 6c (5.11a/b).
- Nominated by 2 current Pro Wall Climbers.
- Agrees to uphold the highest standard of safety and set an example of stewardship for others to aspire to.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the process to confirm my current skill level?
When you make your first visit to Camp5 our crew will ask questions so they may get an understanding of your past and recent climbing experience. It is vital that you give an honest answer.
Will I be required to provide a practical assessment?
No. We follow the common practice of climbing gyms in Europe that require a signed agreement in order to access. We trust that you will be honest about your experience when asked during the registration.
How do I upgrade my current skill level?
Typically the fastest way to upgrade is to attend a course either at Camp5 or another climbing center. We understand that skills can be acquired outside of formal training. Upgrading in lieu of any formal training is possible though in some cases an upgrade may be denied. For example, if you first register as a Novice member, you will only be able to upgrade on your 3rd visit.
Can my skill level be downgraded?
If you have taken a break from climbing and do not feel confident to climb at the skill level currently assigned, please inform Camp5 crew so that we can reassign the appropriate skill level to your member profile.
Should we observe any practice that contradicts what is reasonable to expect from a climber of your current skill level, Camp5 may temporarily downgrade your level until such time as we can determine that you are competent. Should the downgrade mean that you are reassigned to Novice Level you may be prohibited from continuing your climbing unless a member is willing to host you. There will be no refund given for anyone who loses access and is forced to stop climbing on account of their having insufficient skill.
Can I use my Member Card to visit any Camp5 outlet?
Yes. You may check-in at any Camp5 outlet with the same member card.
What if I lose my Member Card?
If you have misplaced your Member Card we ask that you provide some form of photo ID on check-in (Driver License or IC). If you have lost your card a new Member Card can be issued. Replacement card fee may apply.
Camp5 provides unlimited opportunity to introduce climbing to your friends. You'll also earn Climb Miles for each guest you host.
First, let us define who is a “Guest” – Anyone who currently does not have the skills and experience to climb safely on their own or belay another climber. We might also refer to them as new or novice climber.
Now let us define the “Host” – Anyone who does have the skills and experience to be climb safely on their own or belay another climber, and is 18 or older.
As a Host you may bring in up to 2 Guests at any one time, on any day of the week.
Special Conditions for Hosting a Guest
The two key safety considerations of Hosting are:
1 – Your Guest must remain under your supervision at all times, whilst in the facility.
2 – Your Guest cannot belay you.
So that we can provide a smooth check-in process, we ask that you guide your Guest to register before they arrive for their first visit.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the minimum age to be a Host?
How many Guests can I Host?
Maximum 2 Guests at one time.
Does my Guest need to register?
Yes, your Guest(s) will need to register on their first visit, the same way you did. As a new climber, your Guest will be assigned “Novice” level and may only enter Camp5 accompanied by an Adult ‘Host’ climber.
Can I teach my Guest to belay?
Whilst we do not encourage teaching your Guest, provided the Host ensures the safety of the climber by direct supervision and controlling the ‘brake rope’, your Guest can belay another climber. However, the Guest cannot belay their Host.
If I am a Guest, how can I upgrade?
The quickest way to gain independence is to attend a Basic Bouldering or Basic Wall Course, or any other formal training from which you can provide proof for certification. Alternatively, a Guest may upgrade to Boulder-only on the 3rd visit or Top-rope Climber on the 5th visit. A competency form will need to be submitted. Anyone under 18 will need a parental guardian signature to upgrade.
Are there any other benefits for the Host?
Yes, you earn Climb Miles for every Guest you Host, all the more reason to share your love of climbing.

Since our foundation in 2005 Camp5 remains committed to encouraging families to climb together.
We live in a world where urban development and our busy lifestyles are quick to erode the quality of time we spend with our kids. Camp5 provides the possibility to share experiences and enjoy the benefits of climbing together. After all, Mom & Dad need exercise too!
Obesity and health issues related to lack of exercise are reaching pandemic proportions. To encourage parents to take an active role and be the example their kids should follow, Camp5 gives FREE ENTRY to all kids under 8 who are accompanying their parents or older siblings to climb.
If you have 1, 2 or 3 kids all under 8, then you as the parent will only have to pay your own entrance fee. All your kids under 8 who are entering under your care will enjoy FREE ENTRY.
In order to gain entry, the parent will need to have met the prerequisite skills for access. Any Parents who are new to climbing are encouraged to enroll in the Basic Wall or Basic Bouldering Course to gain their independence.
For parents who need help to give their kids more climbing time check out our Private Coaching and Youth Development Programs.
Frequently Asked Questions
I am a parent with kids under how can I enjoy the free entry?
To be eligible to enjoy free entry for your kids, they need to be under 8 years of age and you need to have met the prerequisite skills to be granted independent unsupervised entry as a Camp5 Member.
I’m a Parent who has never climbed before how do I start?
We recommend parents to first enroll their kids in a Try Climbing session. This way the kids can have a fun experience and decide if they wish to climb more. Once you’ve made the decision to make climbing a regular activity we would recommend the parents to enroll in a Basic Bouldering of Basic Wall Course to get certified and qualify for independent access. Thereon you may bring your kids and climb as often as you like.
I’d like my kids to climb more but I struggling to find time to bring them?
We understand. We offer a range of programs tailored to kids of different ages and abilities. Your kids can enroll in one of our Youth Development Teams. Another option for kids of all ages is our Private Coaching service. Our Coaching rates include the option to combine a group of 2, 3 or 4 kids into one session. The more kids per session the cheaper the fee per child.
Do I need to book?
If you are an adult who is either already a member or meets the prerequisite skills to be eligible for independent entry, then you do not need to book*
* Under the current Ministry of Health SOP’s all climbers will need to make a reservation before arriving at Camp5. This is to ensure we maintain the required capacity limits. You’ll find more information on the new SOP’s and links to make a reservation here.
Camp5's Club Membership makes it possible for SME's to invest in the health and well being of their staff by bulk buying terms that can be shared between employees.
The reciprocal benefits of a company that invests in the well-being of its employees is widely known.
As an employee, would you like to work for a company that cares about your health and ensures you have opportunities to keep fit and active? An employer, would like to have a team that is mentally and physically fighting fit, work well together and needs to apply for less medical leave?
We believe the answer to both these questions is YES!!!
Camp5 supports companies to foster a Climbing Club by providing Membership terms that are shareable between employees. Club Members also enjoy discounts on Camp5 courses and Corporate Team Building packages.
Whether you are an SME or a company of 5000 employees, Camp5 will be happy to put together a package to suit the size of your team. Let us help you turn the tide on sedentary lifestyles in your workplace.
Click the Enquiry tab below to get in touch and find our more about our corporate packages.
100 X 1 DAY PASS
(value RM3600)
*Valid for 12 months.
* Day passes are redeemable for weekdays use only (excluding public holidays).
* Discount on the Basic Wall Course will be available to all company employees for 12 months or until all Passes are utilized.
200 X 1 DAY PASS
(value RM7200)
*Valid for 12 months.
* Day passes are redeemable for weekdays use only (excluding public holidays).
* Discount on the Basic Wall Course will be available to all company employees for 12 months or until all Passes are utilized.
Frequently Asked Questions
I’d like to start a climbing club in our office, how do I start?
First step is to reach out to us via the contact form in the Enquiry Tab. We’ll get back to you with more information and help you get a club started. It would be helpful, when you contact us, to let us know which Camp5 outlet you are interested to have the club set up, how many of you colleagues are interested to join the club and how frequently your looking to go climbing.
What is the cost of a Club Membership?
There is no startup fee. What you pay will depend entirely on the package. The two packages listed in the Climbing Club Packages tab (above) are popular options however we would be happy to bespoke a package to suit your club.
How many of my work colleagues can join the Climbing Club?
We do not limit the number of club members. However it is important to remember that being able to use the Day Pass comes with the requirement of either:
a) being eligible for independent unsupervised entry (either as an already experienced climber or having attended one of our certification courses) or
b) being a guest of someone who is eligible for independent unsupervised entry.*
*Practically applied this means that those members of your club who are already granted independent access, could host those colleagues who are curious to join but have not yet gain the prerequisite skills to enter. Since they would be entering as a Guest their visit would be FREE if made on a weekday so they would not use up any of the day pass credited to the club.
For more information on the Guest Policy of Camp5 go here.
Is gear included in the 100x & 200x Day pass packages?
No, we don’t include the gear in order to leave the option for the club members to buy and own their gear. However, we can adjust the package to include a credit of gear if you would prefer.
What happens if we don’t use up all the Day Passes?
Both packages come with 1 year validity. In our experience companies have always used up the passes within this time. However, should circumstances prevent you from using up all the passes, simply let us know and we’ll work out a remedy (either an extension of time or conversion).
If we use up all the passes before the 1 Year is up, can I buy more?
Yes, absolutely. Once you have used up your Day Passes you can buy another package of 100x or 200x. The 12 month validity will start from the date of purchase of the new package.
When life throws you a surprise, we've got your back. Camp5 will freeze your membership free of charge for medical reasons, injury, pregnancy or unexpected emergency.
Camp5’s Free Freeze Policy applies to situations that warrant support. We are happy to freeze any member’s terms, if they are injured, pregnant, or unable to climb due to health reasons.
To apply for a free freeze, simply send us an email with your doctor’s letter. The letter must state the period of recover time needed or expected date you’ll be fit to climb again.
For any other requests that do not meet the free freeze policy we offer a paid freeze option.
Paid freeze charges
- MYR 50 Admin Fee
- MYR 1.00/day of Freeze
Example: a 45 day paid freeze will cost MYR 95.00
Camp5 does not preset an end date of a freeze period. The end date will be determined by when you decide to return to climb. On your first visit back your term will be unfrozen. Any payment due will need to be paid in order to reactive your membership.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can any term be frozen?
How do I apply to freeze my membership?
All requests must be in written format. Email is acceptable.
What happens to my membership while it is frozen?
Your account will be disabled and cannot be used while frozen.
How do I unfreeze my membership?
In order to re-activate your account, you simply need to request to unfreeze your term when you’re ready to check-in. This means we don’t apply any fixed freeze end date. We leave that for you to decide. Upon reactivation of your account, the number of days frozen will be added to the original expiry date of your membership. The Camp5 Desk staff will inform you if there are any charges applicable based on the calculated no of days frozen
Camp5 rewards you everytime you climb, host a guest and with every MYR spent.
Climb Miles is our way of saying thank you for being a Camp5 Member.
Here’s how you earn Climb Miles
- Host your friends and family
- Use your Camp5 Card for all Shop & Cafe purchase
- Check-out when you leave
Where can you expect to redeem your ClimbMiles?
Camp5 runs redemption discounts on courses, gear and membership throughout the year. An example of this is Camp5’s annual, New Year Climb Miles Discount on the 12 Month Entry Pass.
Frequently Asked Questions
What can I redeem my Climb Miles for?
Throughout the year Camp5 will announce special offers redeemable with Climb Miles. It might be a membership term, new harness, a technical workshop or even a converted value to charity.
How do I stay informed on Climb Miles offers?
Announcements will be posted on social media, noticeboard and/or email. Be sure to like our Facebook page, keep your email address current and tag us as not Spam, so you don’t miss out on any Climb Miles deals!
How do I find out how many Climb Miles I have?
Your point balance total is tagged to your member profile, so you can ask the Camp5 Desk Staff. We will also provide your total Climb Miles in our email announcement.
How many points do I receive?
For purchases, you receive 1 Climb Mile for every MYR 1 spent. You receive between 10-25 Climb Miles each time you Check-in and Host a Guest, the value of which changes from time to time.
How much is a Climb Mile point worth?
The default value of 1 Climb Mile = 1 sen. Depending on the special offer, the point value may be increased by a factor. So the points you earned as a Host can go from being worth RM0.50 – RM5 redeemable value depending on the offer.
How long do my Climb Miles remain valid.
Climb Miles will remain valid for 24 months.